Shannon Hayes Buescher

Registered and Licensed Dietitian, Intuitive Eating Counselor, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner in St. Louis, Missouri
Shannon is a registered and licensed dietitian nutritionist. She attended Buffalo State College and earned a Bachelor of Science in Dietetics. She then went on to receive her Masters in Nutrition and Physical Performance Degree from Saint Louis University.
As a former high school and collegiate athlete, Shannon first started her dietetic career focusing on female athletes and sports performance. As she worked more with this population, she saw more of these women struggling with eating disorders. Shannon continued to work with female athletes but emphasized her work with eating disorder clients. While Shannon started her private practice in 2005, she began working at McCallum Place, an intensive treatment facility for eating disorders. Shannon met with patients both individually and in group settings to address nutritional needs and work on the relationship with food and body. In 2007, Shannon devoted full time to her private practice and continues that today.
In 2016, Shannon became an Intuitive Eating counselor. She completed the training with Evelyn Tribole, MS, RDN, one of the co-authors of Intuitive Eating. Shannon is passionate about helping those that have struggled with constant dieting, weight cycling or yo-yo dieting to rediscover trust with themselves again and find a healthy relationship with food.
In 2021, Shannon started the Somatic Experiencing (SE) practitioner training. Somatic Experiencing is a body-centered approach to healing that cultivates an integrated connection with mind and body. SE’s main goal is help shift the trauma-related stress response.
Shannon is not the “average” dietitian. She is a nutritional counselor. Most often, Shannon is working with a therapist to help optimize the self-discovery and healing in the process of creating a new relationship with food and body. Shannon helps you to look beyond the surface food and your body and discover the emotions that are attached to the excess or lack of food. She helps you look at how you are prioritizing food and yourself in your life. She encourages changing the language you use with food and yourself to be kinder, more loving, and self-honoring.
In addition to meeting with clients at her Ellisville office, Shannon offers virtual sessions for your convenience.
Are you ready to improve your relationship with food?
Schedule an appointment with Shannon today.