Forgiveness. It’s something that seems like it would be so easy to do. We teach our children to forgive others, we forgive our partner for their hurtful words or actions, we find the grace to forgive our parents for doing the best they could, even if it wasn’t...
Dieting to Mindfulness
Five Steps You Can Take Every Day to Become a Mindful Eater The thought of mindful eating can seem impossible when you have been a dieter. Connecting into your body is not required when you are told what and how much to eat. The reliance on a diet creates the...
Can You Find Happiness With Your Body?
According to, 91% of American women are unhappy with their body and resort to dieting to achieve their ideal body. Ninety one percent!! It makes my heart ache with such sadness to read this statistic. How is it that we are so unhappy. Why?! Why do we...
Halloween: Are You the Trickster or the Treater?
Helping Parents to Navigate Halloween Candy Halloween is probably every kid’s favorite holiday. The dressing up in fun or scary costumes, deciding which jokes to tell, the smell of candy and excitement in the air. It’s a night of fun, laughter, screaming and...
Surviving the Holidays
The holiday season is officially here. The holidays are meant to be the most wonderful time of year, but when you are focused on your weight and/or following a diet, it can become a battleground full of forbidden foods and willpower. You can feel like you are one bite...
Are You Meant to Hear My Words?
I hope that my words have genuinely found who they are meant to impact. Because it is YOU that I see when I write them. I see you struggling with never feeling enough. Never feeling like you are getting it right. Never feeling like you will measure up. I see how you...
When Was Your Life Changed?
This beautiful little girl changed the course of my life forever. Not just in the obvious way of her being a COMPLETE surprise and jumping to 4 kids. But she is the one who taught me to trust. Trust that God always has a bigger plan than what you think. We don’t...
The Emotional Backlash of Dieting
Worry, anxiety, depression, mood swings, fear, mistrust, guilt, helplessness, rules- lots and lots of rules, preoccupation with thought and a sense of disempowerment. How do these words feel when you read them? If someone told you to follow something and that this is...
Exercise-Is it Love or is it War
Exercise can easily become a love or hate relationship. Learn how to foster a loving relationship with exercise that will keep you coming back for more.
The Secret Weapon to Dieting: Intuitive Eating
Did you know that the industry that has you convinced that you need the latest meal plan, workout, powder or pill is a $60 billion industry? This industry that has preyed on you to feel terrible about your body, that your body will never be thin or fit enough, making...
Are you ready to improve your relationship with food?
Schedule an appointment with Shannon today.