by hayesnutrition | Oct 20, 2018 | Body Positivity, Emotional Eating, No Dieting, No More Diet, Trusting Your Body, Uncategorized
I hope that my words have genuinely found who they are meant to impact. Because it is YOU that I see when I write them. I see you struggling with never feeling enough. Never feeling like you are getting it right. Never feeling like you will measure up. I see how you...
by hayesnutrition | Jul 13, 2018 | Emotional Eating, Hunger Fullness, No Dieting, Trusting Your Body, Uncategorized
Did you know that the industry that has you convinced that you need the latest meal plan, workout, powder or pill is a $60 billion industry? This industry that has preyed on you to feel terrible about your body, that your body will never be thin or fit enough, making...
by hayesnutrition | Jun 19, 2018 | Emotional Eating, Hunger Fullness, No Dieting, Trusting Your Body
Hunger is the body’s way of telling you it needs to be fed. For some, this is an easy sensation to identify and a welcomed experience. For others, it is difficult to determine when hunger is felt and can even be uncomfortable with the thought of feeling hungry. When...
by hayesnutrition | Apr 8, 2016 | Emotional Eating, Hunger Fullness, No Dieting, No More Diet, Trusting Your Body
Trust. Somewhere along the way, that word has been taught to not go with our bodies. How you were brought up with food and the encouragement of listening to your body certainly shapes the way you trust your body. That is why I am so passionate about writing on kids...