by hayesnutrition | Feb 21, 2019 | Body Image, Intuitive Eating, No Dieting, Nutrition, Self-Love, Trusting Your Body, Weight Stigma
What are the barriers that get in the way of you accepting your body? Have you ever thought about this? What really contributes into you not feeling that your body okay? It’s easy to stay in a place where your inner critic lives. Where it can list all the things that...
by hayesnutrition | Feb 20, 2019 | Emotional Eating, Hunger Fullness, Intuitive Eating, kid eating, Mom and Daughter, No Dieting, No More Diet, Nutrition, Parenting, Registered Dietitian, Trusting Your Body
On this appearance with Fox 2 Now St. Louis, I discuss the impact that diet rules have. When you are on a diet, there is a list of the foods that you can and can not have.This is the set up of dieting and what makes people feel like they are failing on a diet. They...
by hayesnutrition | Feb 5, 2019 | Emotional Eating, Hunger Fullness, Intuitive Eating, kid eating, Mom and Daughter, No Dieting, No More Diet, Nutrition, Parenting, Registered Dietitian, Trusting Your Body
On this appearance with Fox 2 Now St. Louis I share the principles of intuitive eating and the idea that all foods can fit in a balanced diet. Traditional diets function on depriving ourselves and eventually lead to “failure” of the diet and frustration,...
by hayesnutrition | Oct 23, 2018 | Emotional Eating, Holidays, No Dieting, Trusting Your Body
The holiday season is officially here. The holidays are meant to be the most wonderful time of year, but when you are focused on your weight and/or following a diet, it can become a battleground full of forbidden foods and willpower. You can feel like you are one bite...
by hayesnutrition | Oct 20, 2018 | Body Positivity, Emotional Eating, No Dieting, No More Diet, Trusting Your Body, Uncategorized
I hope that my words have genuinely found who they are meant to impact. Because it is YOU that I see when I write them. I see you struggling with never feeling enough. Never feeling like you are getting it right. Never feeling like you will measure up. I see how you...
by hayesnutrition | Jul 13, 2018 | Emotional Eating, Hunger Fullness, No Dieting, Trusting Your Body, Uncategorized
Did you know that the industry that has you convinced that you need the latest meal plan, workout, powder or pill is a $60 billion industry? This industry that has preyed on you to feel terrible about your body, that your body will never be thin or fit enough, making...