by hayesnutrition | Jan 2, 2020 | Intuitive Eating, No Dieting, No More Diet, Trusting Your Body
In this appearance on Fox 2, I discuss how in the New Year taking a non-diet approach to food, is your best choice. Diets are not sustainable and have a great emotional and psychological cost with them. I discuss the real impact of...
by hayesnutrition | Nov 26, 2019 | Holidays, Intuitive Eating
On this appearance on Fox 2, I discussed how to stay intuitive and connected during the holiday season. Food is an integral part of the holidays. When you are on a diet, there can be a sense of guilt that gets created for eating the foods that you love but are...
by hayesnutrition | Nov 2, 2019 | Emotional Eating, Intuitive Eating, Self-Care, Self-Love, Uncategorized
One of the most common emotions that emotional eaters will say they feel when they turn to food is loneliness. The obvious solution to being lonely is surrounding yourself with people. So why is it that you can be sitting at a table full of people, “your people” and...
by hayesnutrition | Sep 23, 2019 | Hunger Fullness, Intuitive Eating, kid eating, Kids Weight Loss, No Dieting, No More Diet, Nutrition, Registered Dietitian, Trusting Your Body
On this appearance with Fox 2, I discuss, WW, formally known as Weight Watchers, new targeted audience of children ages 8-17 years old with their new app, Kurbo. This app sets up a color system with food which promotes good foods and bad foods. This relationship with...
by hayesnutrition | Jun 7, 2019 | Hunger Fullness, Intuitive Eating, Nutrition, Registered Dietitian, Summer Salad, Trusting Your Body
On this appearance with Fox 2, I discuss the delicious varieties that Bright Farms lettuces has to offer, as well as how to create a satiating summer salad. All too often, the intention is good when deciding to have a salad for a meal. But often one of the three...
by hayesnutrition | May 17, 2019 | Intuitive Eating, No Dieting, No More Diet, Weight Stigma
If you have read my articles, you know I am always pointing out how the diet industry is multi-billion-dollar industry. $60 billion to be exact. Let that sink in. Think about the diet books, plans, bars or supplements you have purchased, all to lose weight. You just...